Approx. Time: 1-2 Months* Approx. Fee: $900-$1,200**
- Forms
Density Analysis Application Form
Environmental Information Disclosure Form - Regulations
Density Analysis Regulation
Development is limited in certain coastal and open space areas by the number of county-allotted density credits, as allocated according to the subject zoning district, where one density credit is equivalent to approximately one single-family residence. Density analysis is a method of determining the number of units you may build on your land and the intensity of use for nonresidential development. It is a preliminary step before subdivision or nonresidential development.
Steps in the Planning Permit Process
If a planning or zoning permit is required, it generally needs to be processed prior to application of a building or construction permit. The Planning Section of the Planning and Building Department processes these permits. When additional Planning permits are required, the longer permit processing time and higher level decision-making body would apply to the concurrent processing of associated permits. In reviewing and processing your permit application, the assigned planner will generally complete the following steps:
1. Initial Application Review
The planner reviews your project to determine whether your application is complete. An inspection may be completed by staff to evaluate site conditions and potential project impacts to the environment and neighboring properties.
2. Permit Decision
A staff-level decision is required.
3. Appeal Period
These decisions are ministerial and are not appealable.
Approximated Time provides an estimated duration for processing of the specified permit only and does not include processing of any appeals. It is not intended to represent an exact timeframe for a specific project, which may be more or less than the time provided. Required permits and processing times vary depending on project complexity and location. For projects requiring multiple permits (e.g., Design Review Permit and Coastal Development Permit), please use the highest of the estimated times for each required permit. These times do not include processing times for non-Planning permits which may be required for the project, such as permits from the Building Inspection Section, Department of Public Works, Environmental Health Division, sewer or water districts, or state or federal agency. To obtain an estimated processing timeframe for a specific project, please call or visit the Current Planning Section and speak with a Planner to identify the required permits and reviews for your project.
Approximated Fees provide an estimated rounded fee total based on the permit fee and other anticipated review costs of the adopted Planning Service Fee Schedule and does not represent an exact fee amount for a specific project, which may be higher or lower than the fee provided. Required permits and fees vary depending on project complexity and location. For projects requiring multiple permits (e.g., Design Review Permit and Coastal Development Permit), please use the highest of the estimated permit fees and add on the established fees of other required permits from the Planning Service Fee Schedule, to obtain an estimated fee total. Other department review fees, including those of the Geotechnical Section, Department of Public Works, Environmental Health Division, and the applicable fire department, may also apply. To obtain an estimated fee total for a specific project, please call or visit the Current Planning Section and speak with a Planner to identify the required permits and reviews for your project.