The purpose of the County Wellness Committee is to create a “Culture of Health” at San Mateo County by...
- Promoting and encouraging County employees to be their healthy best.
- Overseeing and monitoring Countywide efforts to provide a healthy work environment and healthy work practices as outlined in the County Wellness Policy.
- Encouraging and supporting Departmental efforts to create and sustain a healthy work environment for employees.
The Employee Wellness Program Manager staffs the Committee, and staff and contractors from the Employee Wellness Program assist the Committee in development and implementation efforts.
![Wellness Committee Picture of the County Wellness Committee](/sites/default/files/styles/original_scaled_004000_160x_100/public/migrated/body/
The County Wellness Committee is composed of “Wellness Champions”
Wellness Champions are great communicators, initiators, motivators, promoters, and examples of optimal well-being! They are representatives from departments, health plans, County program staff (“stakeholders”), management and employee organizations. Wellness Champions are at the heart of our organization's health and well-being.
Large departments or divisions may have up to two department Wellness Champions, otherwise every department or Health division has one representative. Additionally, regional representatives who work at smaller, distant locations may be invited to participate.
Sponsored Committee Projects and Initiatives include (but are not limited to):
- Monitoring County efforts to create healthier work environments (food service, facility changes, etc) and healthier work practices;
- Reviewing County health data and making recommendations about wellness programs and services;
- Sponsoring annual healthy lifestyle campaign(s) to encourage positive individual and organizational health changes;
- Promoting formation of department wellness committees;
- Awarding mini-grants to departments for wellness activities or services, fitness equipment or other items contributing to employee health, well-being, and/or work-life balance.
Time Commitment
The County Wellness Committee currently meets monthly for two hours. Meetings are scheduled on the second Thursday of the month from 11:30am - 1:30pm. Meetings occur in Redwood City on odd months and at other work locations on even months. The meeting schedule is posted on the Wellness Committee Meeting website.
The expected time commitment for a Wellness Champion to attend Committee meetings and develop activities is 3-5 hours / month. Commitment for additional time that needs to be spent at the departmental level related to wellness outreach and education of department staff should be arranged between Department Wellness Champion and the Department Director / Manager. Additional time might be expected; for example if a department has its own department wellness committee.
There is an orientation program for Department Wellness Champions and other Countywide Wellness Committee members so that they may become familiar with the County Wellness Policy, County Wellness Committee and their role as a Department Wellness Champion.
Projects & Accomplishments
Awarded County STARS Awards
- Received two Program Performance County STARS Awards.
- Received funding to fulfill 2014 Employee Suggestion County STARS Award to offer DermaScan Sun Damage program.
Creating a "Culture of Health" at the County:
- Monthly meetings
- Department Wellness Champions (90% of depts)
- Wellness Grants (70% of departments)
- Wellness Committee Booth @ Wellness/Benefits Fairs
- Healthier options in County vending machines / cafeterias / catering.
- Stretch break signage in conference + meeting rooms
- Health & Wellness activities offered at worksites or online
- Wellness Screening promotions & recruitment
- Health Trails promotions & recruitment
- Wellness Bulletin Boards
- Wellness brand + logo
Creating a "Healthy" Work Environment:
- Fully-equipped break rooms
- Designeated Lactation Room designations
- Bicycle racks and safe sidewalks
- Clearly-marked stairwells, which display attractive, nature-inspired stairwell banners encouraging their use
- Onsite fitness center/workout room (some County departments) or discounts at nearby health clubs
- One-Mile marked Walking Loop (RWC and San Mateo)
- Ergonomic Computer Workstations (RSI installed)
- Employee Quiet Room for rest and re-focus (some County Departments)
Promoting "Healthy" Organizational Practices:
- Sponsoring Nutrition Standards Training for County Department Food Puchase Decision-Makers
- Sponsoring Risk Management/Safety Training for County Departments that have fitness centers and/or sponsor group exercise classes for staff.
- Supervisors/managers expected to attend supervisor/management-related training every year
- County and department guidelines in place for workplace flexibility (e.g. flex work day/week, alternate schedules, Voluntary Time Off (VTO)
- Employee engagement
Upcoming Projects:
- Continue High Level of Department representation and participation on Wellness Committee
- Continued work on enforcing Nutrition Standards
- Vending machines, Cafeteria & Catering
- Department Training of Food Purchasing Decision-makers
- Administrative Memo/Contract Change Notices
- Promote Wellness Screenings / Wellness Rewards
- Promote Team Challenges (Health Trails, Summer Meltdown)
- Wellness Grants to Departments (Aug - Dec)**
- "Take Your Workbreak" Initiative
- Healthy Breakroom Project
- Phase-In Smoke-free campuses
2020 Vision (as defined by the Wellness Committee)
- Secure space and funding for wellness/fitness centers at large worksites
- Approve use of County time for fitness/physical activity (up to 3 hours/week)
Ongoing Projects
Policy Workgroup
- Stretch break signage for conference/meeting rooms
- Nutrition Standards compliance / training
- Risk Management liability considerations for onsite fitness programs/training
- Smoke-free Campuses
- Lactation Room Designations
- Designated 1 mile walking routes on County property
Department Support Workgroup
- "Culture of Health" Facility Assessments
- Wellness Grants to Departments
- "Take Your Workbreak" initiative
- Online Produce Delivery Program
Communications Workgroup (Melissa Wong)
- Wellness Bulletin Boards
- Website Updates / Enhancements
- Dept Level Wellness Communication Plans
- Healthy Breakroom Project
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